Monday, February 10, 2020

Western civ day 11

Mycenaean- people who settled on the Greek mainland around 2000 B.C.
Trojan War- A ten-year war against Troy. 
Dorian- People who settled in Greece after the Mycenaeans
Homer- Greatest greek writer
Epic- Short story about heroic deeds
Myth- traditional stories about god/s

    1. The Mycenaeans were the first people to settle in the greek mainland.
    2. The Trojan war was a 10-year war over a kidnapped woman
    3. The Dorians were less advanced peoples that settled in Greece after the Mycenaeans 
    4. Homer was a blind man that was considered Greece's greatest writer
    5. Epics were short stories that shared heroic deeds
    6. The Greeks told myths about all their gods
3. The Greeks became skilled sailors, they were able to trade with other nations, and the Greeks had a powerful navy

4. The Minoans showed the Mycenaeans the value of seaboard trade, the Mycenaeans adopted the Minoan writing system, politics, influenced culture, and influenced literature

5. they were the only way though which knowledge and stories of the past could be communicated.

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